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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is intended for the user who, when accessing this site, accepts this Privacy Policy, which is why it is recommended that you read it in advance.
If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you must refrain from accessing this site.

Personal Data and its Processing

The protection of citizens regarding the processing of personal data is a fundamental right, which must be respected, especially with regard to their privacy.

In this sense, in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, through this privacy policy, we clarify which personal data are collected, for what purposes they are used, conservation period, guiding principles and what rights the holders have. of the data.

Personal data are any and all data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons, such as name, address, email, age, marital status, location, genetic, physiological, economic, cultural or social data.

The personal data to be inserted by users in the forms on the site, consist of the name, email address (email) and telephone number of the users, whose purpose is to receive information about the MED Festival and/or contact.

Such personal data will not be registered in any databases, being used only to respond to requests for information/contact requests made by users, and kept for the period strictly necessary for this purpose.

Within the scope of the processing of your personal data, the person responsible for processing the data safeguards that these will be limited to workers of municipal services who need to know them, in the exercise of their functions and to the strict extent necessary for the pursuit of the purpose. information and/or contact.

This Municipality is not responsible for processing personal data freely provided by users to other sites.

The guiding principles within the scope of the processing of personal data consist, namely, of the following:

  • A lawful, fair and transparent treatment in relation to the data subject;
  • Ensure that the processing of user data is solely for the purpose(s) for which it was collected, and cannot be subsequently processed in a way that is incompatible with that purpose;
  • Commit to respecting the principle of data minimization, in which only the personal data strictly necessary for the development of its activity and information for citizens is collected;
  • The non-disclosure, transfer or sharing of the personal data of the user of this site for commercial or advertising purposes;
  • Ensure that data is treated in a way that guarantees its security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

In this context, it is important that the user, as a data subject, knows his rights under current legislation on the protection of personal data, which essentially consist of the following:

Right to be informed – the data subject has the right to be informed, in a clear, simple and transparent way about the processing of his Personal Data to be carried out or carried out by the data controller.

right of access – the data subject has the right to access personal data concerning him.

right of rectification  – if you verify that the personal data about you are incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, the data subject may request its correction or rectification.

right of opposition – the data subject has the right to object to data processing by the data controller. However, legal or public interest grounds may prevail over your right to object.

right of limitation – the data subject may request the limitation of the processing of his personal data to certain categories of data or processing purposes. However, legal or public interest grounds may prevail over this right.

Right to erase personal data or “right to be forgotten” – the data subject may ask the data controller to erase their personal data, if there are no legal or public interest grounds that justify the conservation of that personal data.

Right to withdraw consent – whenever the processing of your personal data is carried out based on your consent, the data subject may ask the person responsible for the treatment to stop carrying out that treatment. In this case, the data subject has the right to withdraw the consent given, at any time, without, however, compromising the validity of the data processing carried out until that moment.

Right to portability – the data subject has the right to receive personal data concerning him, in a commonly used and machine-readable digital format or to request the direct transmission of his data to another entity, but in this case only if it is technically possible.
In order to exercise any of these rights, or simply obtain more information about this privacy policy, the user may contact the person responsible for data processing, Municipality of Loulé, through the contacts geral@cm-loule.pt, dpo@ cm-loule.pt , telephone: 289-400600, Fax: 289-415557 – Praça da República, 8104-001 Loulé).

To clarify all questions related to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights as a holder of personal data, you can also contact the Data Protection Officer, via email dpo@cm-loule.pt .

Without prejudice to being able to submit complaints directly to the data controller (Municipality of Loulé) through the contacts indicated above, the data subject also has the right, if he so wishes, to complain directly to the National Data Protection Commission ( CNPD), Control Authority, using the contacts made available by this entity for this purpose.

In the event of a breach of personal data, the data controller is obliged to notify the national data protection authority – CNPD – National Data Protection Commission – without justified delay and, whenever possible, within 72 hours after having been aware of it, unless the breach of personal data is not likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The present Privacy Policy of the Festival MED website may be subject to alteration by the Municipality of Loulé, at any time and without prior notice, identifying the respective date of alteration, so it is advisable that the user consult it regularly, in order to stay informed about how your personal data is being protected and your rights.