Photo © Lucas Tavares

Cerca Stage

JUN 27


cara de espelho


Almost without warning, this supergroup Cara de Espelho emerged, bringing together individuals with extensive artistic achievements: Pedro da Silva Martins was the mastermind behind Deolinda and also contributed to Ana Moura, António Zambujo and Lena d'Água; the inventor Carlos Guerreiro is a crucial figure in the workings of Gaiteiros de Lisboa and can also boast collaborations with José Afonso, Fausto and GAC; Nuno Prata's resume speaks for itself with his stint with "Ornatos Violeta"; Luís J Martins' guitars have graced songs by Deolinda, António Zambujo, and Cristina Branco; Sérgio Nascimento has been the rhythmic force for many, from Sérgio Godinho to David Fonseca, and once again, Deolinda; and overseeing all this is the soulful and distinctive voice of Maria Antónia Mendes, known from A Naifa and Señoritas. With so much talent together, what do they create? Songs full of truths that disturb and can't be swept under the rug of memory, songs that stoke revolutionary impulses or at least articulate what many feel but struggle to put into words. 

The singles that marked the group's debut, "Corridinho Português" and "Político Antropófago", served as a manifesto introducing their unique sound. These tracks revealed a sound and poetic identity deeply rooted in the richness of Portuguese popular and traditional music, along with incisive critiques from its poets and singer-songwriters. However, the group's vision is firmly set on a future that demands renewal, intervention and a steadfast commitment to the world. They aim to prove this on stage.